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Benefits of integrating a digital content library in schools

Benefits of integrating a digital content library in schools

In the era of digitalization, nothing is untouched by technology. Our lives and societies have significantly become intertwined with science and its innovations. Additionally, the recent pandemic has speeded up technology adoption in fields that were trailing behind. When the pandemic hit our lives, education was one sector where digital adoption wasn’t at 100%. However, it has brought the realization of complete digitalization in front of educators.
Online classes kept the students in touch with their studies; however, they lacked essential resources to supplement their knowledge holistically. Traditional printed textbook materials are insufficient in the age of digital technology, where information is surplus and continuously updated, and newer theories are rapidly discovered. Therefore, digital resources in the form of a digital content bank are the only way to keep future generations abreast with the fast-changing world and much information waiting for them to be consumed.

Understanding a digital content library

A digital content library for schools is nothing but a digital compilation of critical educational resources in an easy-to-search platform. It helps not just the students to access relevant content beyond their textbooks. Still, it also allows teachers to bring customization to their curriculum for every student as per their understanding.
A digital library allows students to catch up on their lessons from anywhere and anytime without carrying heavy loads of books with them. Digital technology empowers our intellect most efficiently without an uncomfortable burden on our physical selves.
Let’sLet’s dive deep to understand the advantages of digital literacy with the help of online content banks in schools.

Advantages of learning with a digital content library

A few years ago, students searching through many shelves in a library was a common sight. These books were issued to students for specific periods and were to be returned without damage. Unfortunately, sometimes few copies of these books were lost from the library due to students’ failure to replace them, or few were in such a condition that renders them from being reissued. Hence, the resources of libraries were not consistent, and if unkempt due to lack of funds, it creates difficulties for future generations.
Often the dependence on educational resources beyond textbooks is because books are designed to cater for all students in general. As every student is not equal in their understanding of a concept, they require support with resources designed to target their specific intellect level.
A few of the advantages of digital content libraries are;
A content bank for schools is strictly monitored to show relevant content for the students as per their search query. It saves them time and avoids showing distracting or inappropriate content. Students relying on the internet are prone to get distracted and stumble upon content or links that may have some malicious intent.
A digital library designed explicitly for schools stocks content that saves time searching for appropriate content for particular subjects or lessons. In addition, search filters specific to educational needs are implemented to support the faster search for any topic.
Surfing through a digital content library for schools or students is highly convenient as it can be accessed anywhere. In addition, it allows teachers and students to plan their revisions and practice per their daily schedule.
Multimedia content is the way forward for newer learning forms in the technology age. It has proven more effective than traditional text content, as has been the trend earlier. With a content bank, it’s possible to have a mix of multimedia content for students to understand better.
As a school’s content bank can be accessed from anywhere and at any time, it brings freedom for students to learn at their convenience; this enables an improved learning speed and higher retention rate compared to traditional textbook-based learning. Additionally, multimedia content has been scientifically proven to enhance learning retention as humans have improved visual memory.
Gamifying educational content is the latest method to increase student engagement and retention. An online school library can support gamified contents like quizzes, level unlock, and rewards collections to motivate students for continued learning and improvement.
Furthermore, the easy availability of content encourages students to complete their subjects with complete understanding and engagement.
These are some of the benefits of a digital content bank for schools to support their students’ performance with quality resources and learning methods, which are fun, engaging, superior in quality, & effective in installing each concept.

How the MyClassboard platform brings value to school about Content Bank

MyClassboard is a leading school ERP platform with robust learning management software for quality online learning. One of the modules in MyClassboard LMS is Content Bank, which is stocked with vast educational content for schools to customize their curriculums.

MyClassboard content bank houses resources prescribed by the CBSE, ICSE, & IB. The organic search engine is fast and continuously updated in real-time with the latest content so that students can access the newest discoveries and information in each subject. In addition, its innovative technology based on AI and machine learning appropriately marks each content based on its difficulty level, which makes content search quick.
Moreover, MyClassboard brings open and privately licensed content for its users and curated content recommended by subject matter experts worldwide.
All of this presented in a user-friendly interface is a highly successful platform to supplement students’ knowledge with applicable multimedia content that students can enjoy learning.


In this blog, we come across enough facts that inform us about the effectiveness of Content Banks for schools to support their students’ quality learning. Furthermore, they are essential resources in schools for continued education, keeping in mind the increased preference of students for online or distance learning.

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