What is an Education Management System Software?
An educational institution just like any other company needs a keen observation on the proper functioning of all the departments. An education management system software is an online education management platform that gives the school management a bird’s eye view of the departmental operations of the entire School or College or University.
Education Management System Software is typically designed to increase the productivity of the organization, improve communication and reduce the time and costs. It simplifies and automates the school processes and makes school operations more efficient. It addresses the needs of all stakeholders by enabling easy access to teachers, students, and school administration and providing timely and accurate information.
Why an Education Management System Software?
Education Management System Software acts as a Management Information System (MIS) which helps to manage all the data and information related to an educational institution. It helps to manage the different processes like Administration Management, Admission Management, HR & Payroll Management, Academics Management, Student Management, Finance Management and improved Parent-Teacher Interaction.
Features of Education Management System Software
An Education Management System Software is a product for everyone, i.e, for teachers, students, parents and school administrators specially designed for use with personal computers (PCs), laptops or compatible with any handheld devices.
* Automates the registrations and admissions of students.
* Manages information efficiently, provides timely and accurate information related to each and every student, teachers, employees and other staff members.
* Manages financial department including fees, dues, concessions, transport fee, etc.
* Instantly updates, monitors and manages the class schedules, periods and subjects according to requirement.
* Manages the school transport for students and staff separately and efficiently.
* Manages the library department and keeps track of books issued and submitted.
* Traces the students and staff attendance with relative ease.
* Manages staff salary, recruitment and leave management.
* Maintains grades of every individual student using a grade book, analyzes individual’s performance and performance of a class.
These are few prominent features of any Education Management System Software. MyClassboard is one such software which is a package of the above-mentioned features and several others. MyClassboard is a comprehensible software solution for schools, colleges, universities and other educational institutions that confederate the operations and processes in a single frame.