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Welcome to MyClassboard’s Games and PET Module, where physical well-being and activity engagement are prioritized.

Explore a range of features to promote health, skill development, and holistic growth among students.

Health & Activity

Access comprehensive health and activity tracking tools to monitor students’ physical well-being and participation in extracurricular activities.


Activity Skills and Schedules

Manage activity schedules and skill development initiatives with ease, ensuring a well-rounded curriculum for students.

Activity / PET Grading Scale

Define grading scales for activities and Physical Education Tests (PET), facilitating fair and consistent assessment of students’ performance.


Assign Activity Skills

Assign activity skills to specific branches and classes, tailoring the curriculum to meet the unique needs and interests of students.

CBSE Health and Activity

Align health and activity management with CBSE guidelines and standards, ensuring compliance and accountability.

Health and Activity Entry

Record and track students’ health and activity data, providing valuable insights into their physical development and participation levels.

Health and Activity Report Cards

Generate comprehensive report cards summarizing students’ health and activity data, facilitating communication with parents and stakeholders.

PET (Physical Education Tests)

Design structured Physical Education Tests to assess students’ physical fitness and skills development across various disciplines.

Master Skill Features


Prioritize Physical Well being: Schedule a Demo Now to Explore MyClassboard's Games and PET Module!

Empower Holistic Growth: Contact Us Today to Implement MyClassboard's Games and PET Module and Foster Healthier, More Active Students!
