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Please note that the brand name is mandatory as a suffix to every template. The name has to be a short code representing your organization.

For example, if your organization name is My Classboard International school, the brand name could be "MCBIS" as a suffix.

Currently we are using the following MCB default templates, you need to add these templates also in your DLT portal.

SMS Templates
Dear Parent, Thank you for your interest in our school. One of our executives will get in touch with you shortly. Your Enquiry Code is {#var#} - School Name
Dear Parent, Thank you for your interest in our {#var#}. We look forward to work together creating a better future for {#var#} - School Name
Dear Parent, Welcome to the {#var#} family. Congratulations! {#var#} is admitted in the class {#var#}. Please note the Enrollment number as {#var#} and Admission number as {#var#} Regards {#var#} , School Name.
Dear Parent, This is kindly to inform you that your ward {#var#} Term-2 fee due amount is of {#var#}. Please clear up on or before {#var#} . Team Admin - School Name
Dear Student,{#var#}, May your life filled with love, harmony, peace, energy and success throughout the year.Wish you a very Happy Birthday. Stay blessed! - School Name
Dear Staff,{#var#},Wishing you a very happy birthday! I hope you get blessed with a wonderful year.May you lead more students into the direction of success - School Name
Dear Parent, {#var#} A very Happy Wedding Anniversary to both of you! May your married life be blessed with love, Happiness and Companionship for all the years of your lives - School Name
Dear Staff, {#var#}e A very Happy Wedding Anniversary to both of you! May your married life be blessed with love, Happiness and Companionship for all the years of your lives - School Name
Dear Parent,Your child {#var#} of {#var#} , {#var#} is absent on {#var#}.Please send {#var#} regularly.- School Name
Dear Parent,Your child {#var#} of {#var#} , {#var#} is Present on {#var#}.- School Name
Dear Parent, Kindly pay the fee due of your ward {#var#} and {#var#} is {#var#} and Overall Balance {#var#}. School Name
Dear Parent, Kindly pay the fee due of your ward {#var#} - {#var#} and {#var#} is {#var#} and Overall Balance {#var#}. School Name
Dear Parent, Thanks for {#var#} received via {#var#} for {#var#} - {#var#} receipt no: {#var#} Date and time:{#var#} - School Name
Dear Parent, Fee Amount of{#var#} Received against fee of {#var#} - School Name
Dear Parent, Fee Amount of {#var#} Received for your ward {#var#} and remaining balance {#var#} - {#var#} - School Name
Dear Parent, Fee Amount of {#var#} Received for your ward {#var#} and Payment Received till Date: {#var#} - School Name
Dear Parent, Fee Amount of {#var#} Received for your ward {#var#} - School Name
Dear Parent, Fee Amount of {#var#} Received against fee of {#var#} - {#var#} by Mode of Payment {#var#} via {#var#} Accounts officer from School Name
Dear Parent, Fee Amount of {#var#} Received for your ward {#var#} and Payment Received : {#var#} - School Name
Dear Parent, Fee Amount of {#var#} Received against fee of {#var#} - School Name
Dear Parent,{#var#} Result of exam {#var#} total marks are {#var#}, percentage is {#var#} - School Name
Dear Parent,{#var#} Result of exam {#var#} total marks are {#var#}, percentage is {#var#} - School Name
Dear Parent, The OTP for your Admissions Enquiry at {#var#} is {#var#} - School Name
Dear Student ({#var#}), Please note your login details for {#var#} Parent portal as below. Url:{#var#}{#var#} UserName:{#var#} Password:{#var#} Regards - School Name
Dear Student({#var#}), Please note your login details for the mobile app - {#var#} Kindly download it from Google Play Store {#var#}{#var#} UserName:{#var#} Password:{#var#} Regards - School Name
Dear Student, Please download the {#var#} from google play store ( Available on Android only) App URL: {#var#} Your Login Details are UserName:{#var#} Password:{#var#} An iOS version will be released soon Regards - School Name
Dear Student ({#var#}), Please note your login details for{#var#} Parent portal as below. Url:{#var#}{#var#} UserName:{#var#} Password:{#var#} Regards - School Name
Dear Student, Please note your login details for Parent Mobile App. Username:{#var#} Password:{#var#} Regards - School Name
Dear Student({#var#}), Please note your login details for the mobile app - {#var#} Kindly download it from Google Play Store {#var#}{#var#} App Store {#var#}{#var#} UserName:{#var#} Password:{#var#} Regards - School Name
Dear Parent({#var#}), Please note your login details for {#var#} Parent portal as below. Url:{#var#}{#var#} UserName:{#var#} Password:{#var#} Regards - School Name
Dear Parent({#var#}), Please note your login details for the mobile app - {#var#} Kindly download it from Google Play Store {#var#} UserName:{#var#} Password:{#var#} Regards - School Name
Dear Parent, Please download the {#var#} from google play store ( Available on Android only) App URL: {#var#}{#var#} Your Login Details are UserName:{#var#} Password:{#var#} An iOS version will be released soon Regards - School Name
Dear Parent ({#var#}), Please note your login details for{#var#} Parent portal as below. Url:{#var#}{#var#} UserName:{#var#} Password:{#var#} Regards - School Name
Dear Parent, Please note your login details for Parent Mobile App. Username:{#var#} Password:{#var#} Regards - School Name
Dear Parent({#var#}), Please note your login details for the mobile app - {#var#} Kindly download it from Google Play Store {#var#} App Store {#var#} UserName:{#var#} Password:{#var#} Regards - School Name
Dear Staff ({#var#}), Please note your login details for {#var#} Teacher portal as below. Url:{#var#}{#var#} UserName:{#var#} Password:{#var#} Regards - School Name
Dear Staff ({#var#}), Please note your login details for the mobile app - MCB Teacher App Kindly download it from Google Play Store {#var#}{#var#} UserName:{#var#} Password:{#var#} URL:{#var#}{#var#} Regards - School Name
Dear Staff, Please download the MCB Teacher App from google play store ( Available on Android only) App URL: {#var#}{#var#} Your Login Details are UserName:{#var#} Password:{#var#} URL:{#var#} An iOS version will be released soon Regards - School Name
Dear Staff ({#var#}), Please note your login details for {#var#} Teacher portal as below. Url:{#var#} UserName:{#var#}{#var#} Password:{#var#} Regards - School Name
Dear Staff, Please note your login details for Parent Mobile App. Username:{#var#} Password:{#var#} Regards - School Name
Dear Staff ({#var#}), Please note your login details for the mobile app - MCB Teacher App Kindly download it from Google Play Store {#var#}{#var#} UserName:{#var#} Password:{#var#} Regards - School Name
Dear user,Your Username is: {#var#} Your password is: {#var#} - School Name
Dear Parent, This is to inform you that {#var#} has not submitted {#var#} Assignment, {#var#} conducted on {#var#} - School Name
Dear Parent,{#var#} has scored {#var#} in {#var#} Assignment, {#var#} conducted on {#var#}. - School Name
Dear Parent,{#var#} Result of {#var#} Total: {#var#} - School Name
Dear Parent,{#var#} Result of exam {#var#} total marks are: {#var#} ,percentage is {#var#} ,{#var#} - School Name
Dear Parent,Your ward exam {#var#} marks {#var#}
Branch Rank : {#var#},
Zonal Rank : {#var#},
State Rank : {#var#} - School Name
Dear Parent,Your ward {#var#} marks of (Date:{#var#}) is {#var#}, {#var#}
Total {#var#} ({#var#}) -PRINCIPAL, School Name
Dear Parent,{#var#} Result of {#var#} Total: {#var#},{#var#},Overall Grade is {#var#} - School Name
Dear Parent,Please note that following are the marks secured by your ward {#var#} Class-Section in {#var#}:{#var#} - School Name
Dear Parent,{#var#} Result of {#var#} is {#var#}. His/Her school rank is {#var#}. - School Name
Dear Parent, This is to inform you that your ward {#var#}., is absent for {#var#}. out of {#var#}. conducted on {#var#}. School Name